Docs layout#
Project Elara is a complex project, with many, many components. Therefore, its documentation is structured into several distinct components. We will go over each of these components.
Knowledge library#
The knowledge library is the most notable component of Project Elära’s documentation. It is primarily math and science-focused, and is meant to be read in sequential order. Topics that are introduced in the knowledge library include algebra, calculus, classical mechanics, special relativity, general relativity, among others. Do note that the entire library is well over 100 pages long at the moment of writing, so do not expect to be able to finish it in one day! It is the only component of the handbook which can be considered reasonably complete at the time of writing.
Developer hub#
The developer hub is an as-yet incomplete section that will be completely dedicated to the programming aspects of the project, including full tutorials on the Python, Rust, C, C++, and JavaScript languages, a detailed guide to machine learning and numerical methods, and developer tutorials. Additionally, it will contain detailed design and architecture documentation for the Project Elära libraries, as well as links to the generated API documentation for all of the project’s software.
Elära ecosystem#
The Elära ecosystem is the final component of the project’s documentation, and contains information about the community, governance structures, contribution agreements, and so on. Again, it is not complete at time of writing, but will be slowly added to with time.