
Project Elära is an open effort to advance research towards scientific breakthroughs that will make the world a better place. Ultimately, the project aims to achieve high-speed interstellar travel, create a near-infinite energy source, remove humanity’s dependence on fossil fuels, and ensure a life worthy of human dignity for all humanity.

“We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.”

John F. Kennedy, 1962

A tourist’s guide to the project#

Project Elära currently advances research into two main areas: spacetime metric engineering and black hole superradiance reactors.

For realizing faster-than-light travel, the project will develop a new machine-learning assisted approach to predicting Alcubierre-like spacetime metrics, based on existing research on the Alcubierre metric. For realizing black hole energy generation, the project will develop superradiance reactors that extract energy from artificial rotating black holes. Finally, the project will aim to create a comprehensive set of orbital construction technologies necessary for both superluminal interstellar spacecraft and superradiance reactors. More areas of research will be added in the future by members of the project, including research into climate change mitigation technologies and quantum communication.

This project is meant to be a thousand-year project, built through the work of countless generations of researchers and scientists. The entire project is dedicated to the public domain, with no copyright or patent, and will remain free and openly-accessible forever.

What is Elära?#

In the Commandúléan language, elära is the word for hope. And Project Elära ultimately serves to create the future all of us hope for - one where the world will forever be at peace and there will be plenty for all.

Project Elära is a choice to have hope, despite knowing of the impossible odds. It represents the best of us, the good we can accomplish when we put our efforts towards the good of all humankind.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

Margaret Mead